7A: Walk Cycle Critique

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Submit 3 looped movement cycles. The length of each individual cycle is dependent upon how long it takes the character to make a complete movement before returning to its starting position. The cycle need not be humanoid, nor bipedal. (Do keep in mind that the more legs involved, the more difficult the work).

The loop should be seamless. (That is, if I hit "repeat" on the video player, there will be no skips or jitters between cycles).

The three movements should be distinct. They may be distinct via kind of movement (walk, run, hop, jitter, crawl, etc.) They may be distinct because the characters have different kinds of movement. (One tends to mosey, one is nervous and jittery, another is zombified).

Bonus points for all three loops being the same length of time and all within the same movie.

Do not concern yourself with the background. The character(s) and movement will be sufficient.

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This page contains a single entry by kim published on April 21, 2010 10:33 AM.

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