5B: Cycles, Character animation and the requisite walk cycle

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Cycles and loops are efficient and the staple of all early animation, Scooby Doo, and (oh yes) game animation.

Introduction to tweened animation using Flash.

Character Animation and Movement


Character Animation

  • The Importance of Timing
  • The Language of Motion (arcs, curves, etc.)
  • Suggesting Weight
  • Movement Cycles (walk, run, swing, etc.)
  • Facial Animation & Expression
  • Gender & Race
  • Energy Level and Attitudinal Suggestion
  • Limited Environments of Recreation (MMOs, Real-Time, etc.)

REFERENCE: Walking Dots: A study in motion with varying interactive attibutes (gender, weight, mood)

Video: http://www.squetch.com/tism.html

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This page contains a single entry by kim published on April 7, 2010 8:33 AM.

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